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CBD oil has been shown to help treat Alzheimer’s disease

CBD oil for Alzheimer’s disease can also significantly improve your health – affecting your sleep quality and your appetite. It is also worth mentioning that scientists in their work often refer to CBD oil as “non-invasive” or “fine / minimally invasive”. It does not cause any side effects, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the standard drugs used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

The use of CBD oil in combating Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases has not yet been “proven beyond doubt,” but scientists and doctors alike clearly see the potential of this natural and safe substance to treat a disease that has long been considered incurable. Research clearly shows that hemp products such as hemp paste or capsules or CBD oil can slow down or even eliminate symptoms of certain diseases, prolonging patients’ lives and improving their quality.

CBD can be used to treat other conditions such as chronic pain, ptsd, and epilepsy.

While the FDA has yet to approve a CBD-based drug for the treatment of dementia, these results have been confirmed by other laboratories. Currently, the only CBD drug approved by the FDA is Epideolex, which is intended to treat a certain form of epilepsy.

A good example is Alzheimer’s disease, like all other dementias. While patients with various conditions, including multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease, use CBD to relieve symptoms, researchers have studied the effects of cannabis, and more specifically cannabidiol, on dementia. Since CBD has no psychoactive effects, this offers hope for treating Alzheimer’s symptoms with cannabis without the use of conventional medications.

Promising research

Research to date on medical marijuana (i.e., prescription THC and / or CBD products) suggests that it may alleviate both the behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is said that these studies have methodological flaws – the study groups were small and the studies carried out were adequately controlled.

Scientists are giving us more and more evidence that cannabis can be used to treat many diseases. Cannabinoids and their health-promoting properties give hope to people living with Alzheimer’s disease, enabling them to function properly and slow the progression of the disease.

While these drugs do not stop the damage Alzheimer’s disease does to your brain cells, they can help ease or stabilize symptoms for a limited time by affecting certain chemicals that pass messages between nerve cells in the brain.

CBD can help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

In clinical trials, CBD has shown the ability to reverse and even prevent the development of the negative effects of Alzheimer’s disease. A 2011 study by scientists found that CBD promotes the growth and development of new brain cells by reducing lapses in memory and other brain functions.

Another benefit of using CBD to treat Alzheimer’s disease is its potential aid in the process of neurogenesis. Neurological tissue in Alzheimer’s patients tends to deteriorate rapidly, leading to severe neurological symptoms such as severe personality changes, cognitive decline, and memory loss. This means that a once gentle, kind, and loving person can become selfish and mean. By stimulating the nervous tissue with CBD, these patients were able to slow down these changes.

CBD has neuroprotective properties. Not only does it stop the progression of the disease, it also protects healthy nerve cells from further degeneration. Since the changes caused by dementia are now irreversible, the main goal of treatment must be to protect healthy cells from degradation. 

There are some risks associated with the use of hemp products, such as increased anxiety and stress.

Although these side effects are not long-term and disappear completely when a patient stops taking the medicine, they still pose a burden to bear. Another way to reduce the risk of side effects is to gradually increase your dose and take it after meals.

The safe dose listed in the World Health Organization report is very high. The amount of CBD consumed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for hemp preparations is a fraction of what is considered completely safe.

CBD hemp oil has completely different properties and composition than hemp-based products. Consuming a dose of cannabis oil will not make you hungry. Therefore, it is completely legal in Poland and safe for practically everyone. This oil is harmless, non-addictive and effective in almost all conditions. It is also non-intoxicating and has few side effects. However, it can affect your well-being and health – that’s why more and more users and experts from the medical industry recommend it. It can be used for regular treatment or continuous administration. Either way, taking CBD oil is completely safe. You should only stick to the dose specified by the manufacturer, but even accidental increase or multiple dosing will not adversely affect the body in any way and will not cause addiction.

* https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0028668

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