wpływ olejków cbd na zespół niespokojnych nóg

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a phenomenon that is not a huge threat to life, but it can effectively hinder everyday functioning. RLS is characterized by a very impulsive need to move the legs, and any attempts to hold it back will increase the tension. It turns out that about 5% of the population struggle with the problem of restless legs, and the causes of this disease are not fully understood. So, in today’s article, we’ve addressed this phenomenon and examined the effect of CBD oils on RLS.

Restless legs syndrome

RLS is defined as a neurological dysfunction that leads to an unpleasant feeling in the legs, especially when lying down and sitting. Restless Legs Syndrome is defined as the spasms that occur deep in the muscles that lead to the legs moving. These characteristic movements intensify mainly in the evening, which effectively makes it difficult to fall asleep and leads to sleep disturbances. The blame for the occurrence of RLS is, inter alia, iron deficiency. It is recognized that RLS may be inherited or acquired due to the presence of neurological disorders.

The effect of CBD oils on restless legs syndrome

Medicine is constantly struggling to obtain an effective solution to fight RLS. Doctors, in addition to administering medications containing lavender or other substances from the dopamine agonists group, to patients, also recommend limiting coffee and tea and any stimulant drinks. It turns out that the use of CBD oils works well for people struggling with RLS. What should be emphasized – CBD oils are not a cure for RLS. However, they are an excellent booster that helps soothe some side effects. CBD is characterized by a relaxing effect, thanks to which it ensures a good sleep, which is very important during the tension caused by RLS. CBD oils stimulate the level of dopamine and increase the amount of neurotransmitters, which has an effect on relieving pain. The effect of using CBD is to reduce leg cramps during sleep and improve its quality.

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