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As you surely know, CBD oils have many uses. Not only are they antiviral or antibacterial, but also help you calm down, calm down or even solve the problem of insomnia. Few people know, however, that apart from all these positive effects, CBD can help you fight the addiction. Quitting smoking and CBD oils – how do they affect it?

Quitting smoking and CBD oils – can it be successful?

CBD will help you alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia, insomnia, trouble falling asleep. Also reduce stress and even support you in the fight against depression or cancer. But what about addiction? We can become addicted to many things – drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine or even sugar. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1.1 billion people worldwide smoke heavily. Smoking is a terrible addiction. You certainly know how persistent nicotine addiction is and, above all, how much money is flying between your fingers. How to break with it once and for all?

Quitting smoking can be hard. We use it to support all kinds of patches, capsules, tablets, chewing gums or lozenges, but not everyone works with it. CBD may be a good alternative. Cannabidiol has properties that work complementary to a wide spectrum of addictions. In 2014, the World Health Organization published a report. Tobacco contains over 7,000 chemicals. As many as 250 of them cause harm to health, and 69 are among the main causes of cancer.

CBD oils and quitting smoking – does it go hand in hand? How To Use CBD To Treat Tobacco Addiction?

University College London has conducted two interesting studies on the role of CBD in quitting smoking. The first was published in 2013 and involved giving addicted smokers a CBD inhaler, while others received a placebo inhaler. The research is clear. More than twenty-four heavy smokers said that taking cannabis oils when craving for nicotine helps! This works much better than the placebo given during the study and allowed people who took it to smoke an average of 40% less cigarettes.


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