CBD na problemy senne.

More and more people are struggling with sleep problems. The fast pace of life, stress and the constant pursuit of the proverbial bunny put the body in, so to speak, fight-and-flight mode, and such an intense lifestyle does not remain indifferent to it.

However, it has long been known that in order to be able to work and function effectively, rest and regeneration are necessary, and this can be ensured mainly by good quality, deep sleep. What to do when we have a problem with it and it takes too long to fall asleep or we are unable to sleep at all?


For years, there has been a fashion for a healthy lifestyle and no one is surprised to see a salad, a fruit and vegetable smoothie, sweets based on erythritol and xylitol, or finally people who regularly exercise at the gym. However, sleep is neglected, and the statement that it is for the “weak” still lingers in the ubiquitous culture. The problem arises when there are problems with concentration, the so-called brain fog, even greater stress, fatigue or increased appetite and constant yawning.

So how to help yourself when the evening comes, there are only a few hours left to the morning alarm clock, and our desire to sleep is close to zero, or on the contrary – we are very tired and the desired sleep does not come at all?


The problem of insomnia is a complex problem, but one should start with changing the approach to sleep as such. Only a change of priorities and understanding that no healthiest diets, supplements or physical exercises can replace the significant role of sleep in our lives can help us start acting on this topic. Lifestyle is key, but it’s just one of several important factors.

So what should you pay special attention to and what should you implement in your life to say goodbye to persistent insomnia once and for all?

First of all, it is worth focusing on the daily evening routine with great care, namely not using devices emitting blue light about an hour before bedtime and not eating a heavy dinner. It is also worth postponing intensive physical exercises for earlier hours (they increase the level of cortisol, which instead of soothing and calming us down before bedtime, stimulates us to act) and focus rather on relaxing yoga or gentle stretching.

We can also help ourselves with herbal infusions, such as lemon balm, lavender or chamomile, which will effectively calm us down before bedtime and help collect our thoughts.

We also remember to ventilate our bedroom properly and not to heat it up too much. The stuffiness will always make it difficult to fall asleep.


However, what if all the above methods do not work, and we do not want to resort to sleeping pills, which can often be addictive?

The solution in this type of situation may be quite popular CBD oil. It turns out that thanks to the cannabidiol contained in the composition, by affecting our endocannabinoid system, it is able to naturally help our body to achieve balance and return to the natural circadian rhythm, without which there is no question of health and well-being on a daily basis .

CBD oil is a natural support for all those who have a flood of thoughts before falling asleep, and nightmares or anxiety at night, which makes sleep shallow and non-regenerating, and sleep phases completely disturbed. CBD oil relieves anxiety, helps to control stress and eliminates nightmares, and all this translates into our sleep quality and no problems with falling asleep.


As we can see, the benefits of using CBD oil are numerous, but it must be clearly emphasized that often the problem with insomnia may lie even deeper and of course, CBD oil will always be an excellent support to solve the problem, but if we feel that stress and fears overwhelm us, and sometimes the dream appears and sometimes it doesn’t, then it is definitely worth seeking professional help, e.g. from a psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist.


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