kiedy stosować olejki cbd

As you surely know, CBD oils have a number of different properties. There are really no contraindications for them. They have antibacterial and antiviral properties. They can help you cure insomnia. Significantly affect your well-being (including mental health), and even protect you from cancer. When to use CBD oils?

How to use CBD oils? CBD dosage

Surely you already know a lot about CBD, and if not – we refer you to our blog, there you will surely find a lot of information. Before we answer the question “when to use CBD oils?” we would like to raise a very important issue, which is the dosage. How much to “take” CBD? How much should you dose the oils?

CBD oils are very easy to apply. Each purchased product has a pipette in it. With it, you apply a few drops of the oil under your tongue. Well, how many are these “few”? Initially, it starts with low doses and concentrations, but over time you can switch to a larger amount or buy an oil with a higher concentration of CBD. For beginners, it is recommended to use 2-3 drops of the oil (low concentration) two or three times a day (optimally CBD stays in the body for up to 6 hours). There is really no golden rule here. The dose should be adjusted to your individual needs.

When to use CBD oils?

Does the hour matter? No. It all really depends on you and what lifestyle you lead. Adjust it for yourself so that you will always find that moment to apply CBD oil under your tongue. It doesn’t take long. In fact, you need to “hold” the product for a minute. Preffer under your tongue, rubbing it additionally over the palate and gums, and then swallow it. As you can see, the application does not take long.

When to use CBD oil? You can take CBD oil, as mentioned above, 2-3 times a day, once a day or by microdosing. It is up to you. Microdosing is the application of a portion of a dose every hour to gradually introduce CBD into the body throughout the day. It is certainly the most “lengthy process”. Therefore, we do not recommend it to people who, for example at work, cannot go on a two or three-minute break every hour.


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